12:00 AM


What happened to the good times? What ever happened to the mantras of peace and good will towards man kind? It seems like in today’s world, the worth of a person based is on the tangible items that consumers value and not on the impact that someone makes on this planet as a whole.

Why are the teachers and the fire fighters and even the garbage men not considered the “important” roles in society? Without them, communities could not safely exist. It seems like every where we look, society has got it all wrong.

Imagine a town that you would live in. It is probably a basic infrastructure of roads and houses and businesses and schools. This will work with any town really so pick the one you are most fond of and let your imagination make it better! The first thing that we will want to do is remove the residential roads. Not in the literal sense, but by removing a section in the middle and replacing it with trees.

We think that gingko sp. would work the best but this is your town so you can pick any thing you would like. So where your residential road used to be there is now essentially two sidewalks with grass and trees in the middle. This will serve as a bike path/ side walk where people in the neighborhood can congregate to talk, kids can play without having to worry about cars coming and people can bike and exercise. This will serve as the basis for the “moral foundation of the community”. A close community is also a very important part of this dream so imagine some friendly neighbors and lets keep building!


All of us are responsible to keep our environment clear, clean and pure. We hope that by creating this blog, we can create awareness among all the communities. There are five people who will be in charged to update these blog;

ann, mumbang, yana, shafiqa, kusya

Let's make a move right now!!
Whether you want it or you don't want it..

There's always a wisdom behind it..

We could save our world environment..(hopefully)